It is assumed that your home was built by a qualified builder and that all remedial work was performed by qualified personnel in accordance with local building code requirements.
Unfortunately, that is not always true.
Chances are your home is not properly caulked or flashed. The most common problem areas are where stucco meets windows and trim.
Without proper caulk sealant, water can seep into crevices and cracks and cause considerable damage, which cannot always be immediately seen until after the damage is already done.
Diversified Stucco’s personnel will inspect your home to locate all areas that are not properly caulked and sealed. Once these areas are identified, they will use a sealant (caulking) appropriate for the substrate to create a water-tight barrier.
Diversified uses Dow Corning’s 795 Sealant. which is the industry standard product for use with stucco structures. Please see the product info sheet for product specifications.

BEFORE: No caulking between window frame and stucco allowing the elements to seep into the wood framing and behind stucco surface.

AFTER: Caulking being applied between window frame and stucco siding. Proper application of caulk creates a barrier to destructive weather elements.
Flashing is another integral part of properly sealing a structure against the elements.
The majority of stucco homes have been constructed with the roofing shingles in direct contact with a stucco substrate. When water cascades down the shingles against the vertical stucco plane, the stucco will wick up the water which can ultimately destroy the stucco surface.
Many homes are constructed without the benefit of any flashing at converging roof lines or chimneys. The lack of proper flashing can produce costly repairs if not corrected quickly.
Typically, the old stucco surface must be removed and new kickout/diverter flashing inserted. The area is then re-stuccoed and protected from future damage.
To become better acquainted with the steps required for proper installation, please refer to “Flashing Where Roof and Vertical Wall Meet” document.

BEFORE: Stucco in direct contact with roof shingles is a sure recipe for water damaged stucco astuco wall failure…

AFTER: Completed repair has removed the contact between the stucco substrate and the roof by installing a kick-out flashing between the two. No future water damage!
Foundation Cutting & Sealing
Repair to stucco surfaces can involve many steps to ensure that your home is properly protected from future moisture and is in compliance with State of Georgia code.Diversified Stucco Services has many years of experience in removing damaged ground level stucco and creating a sealed substrate that prevents water from reaching lower level stuccoed areas.
We ensure that a proper gap is maintained between the stucco and the finished grade (ground level) following the recommended guidelines of EIMA.
To understand how this is accomplished, please read the “Termination Above Grade” document below.
A Moisture Free Warranty can be issued at the completion of the project, giving our customers the peace of mind in knowing that their home has been well protected from future water damage.

Stucco Repair
Stucco surfaces are not impenerable. Damage from woodpeckers is not uncommon and can be unsightly.
Diversified Stucco Services can bring your damaged stucco walls back to nearly new condition by repairing the holes, applying a stucco coating, and matching the stucco design. The finish process involves color matching the existing stucco color so there is a seamless patch. Only you and Diversified will know that the surface was ever damaged.

We confidently offer carpentry repair in conjunction with stucco repair. Typically this comprises the removal of rotted or damaged wood around window and door frames and replacing the damaged molding.
We also offer full window replacement in cases of severe damage.
However, our carpentry service is not just limited to doors and windows — we can replace or repair fascia, eaves and soffits when needed.

BEFORE: Evidence of dry rotting on exterior window sill is an invitation for water to enter the interior of the home…

AFTER: New trim installed, caulking sealant applied and the window looks new again!

An attractively finished stucco-surround door.